Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What a mess!

Well.. Cam and I are back in Logan! We couldn't be any happier. If someone even says the word "Texas" I cringe. Not that I hate Texas. But all I can think of when I hear it is all the CRAP that Cam and I had to deal with. We DID NOT think it would turn out the way that it did. After 4 hours of a long and hot plane ride....we get to Texas. Our friend Taylor came and picked us up. While we were waiting for him to pick us up. A cute lady comes and sits by us. Talked to me like we were best friends! I would have to say Texans are the nicest people I have ever met! So that's one things out of only a few that I liked about Texas. As soon as I step outside I couldn't believe the humidity! I have never been to a very humid place before. HOLY COW it was so different from Logan. I just thought to myself how can anyone do anything in this weather??!! But you do get used to it. We Get to the apartment at about midnight and all Cam, Coop, and I wanted to do was go to bed! We were told that we would get a crib with the apartment so we didn't have to bother bring ours. GUESS WHAT?? was there a crib?? NO! To make things even worse the AC wasn't working. So we HAD a long night to say the least. Great way to start off??!! Even before all this stuff happened we had to deal with some not so fun things. That right there should have been a sign for us not to go. But we wanted to try it and stick with it. We knew that it would be hard. But not like this! We were debating weather or not to go. We thought that it was a good idea. But the person that signed Cam to pinnacle switched companies 3 days before we were supposed to go to Texas. 3 freaking days!! He wanted us to go with him to a completely different company in a completely different place. CHICAGO! We had plane tickets to Texas, Our car was out in Texas along with all of our stuff. So we could fly with coop. 26 hours is a LONG drive for a little one. we were back and forth to stay with Pinnacle or to go with this other company. We were mad! But we choose Texas. After we get there we needed to get into our car and we didn't have the keys! One of the guys that went with cams old manager took our keys with him. He was 6 hours away from Texas. So we couldn't even get our stuff! After those 2 crazy days and about a week later we get the keys back things started to settle down and we started to get into the groove of things. But we just felt it wasn't the right choice. Cam was gone from about 11 am until 11pm on good days! They had to sell outside of Houston. So they had to drive at least 2 hours away everyday. So some nights he wasn't even able to come home at night. THAT was hard. But things happened and we were meant to come. We tried but it just didn't work. Being out there has sure made me appreciate Logan! You never appreciate things until they are gone. Sorry I am being negative in this post. BUT I just had to vent about the last month! Lets just forget the month of May and Move on! Things are looking up for us! Cam now has a job here and we have an apartment we get to move into this Saturday! We are excited. Feeling very blessed to be home and be around the ones we love!


  1. So sorry to hear about all of your troubles! Sometimes it is what we have to go through to appreciat what we have, like you said. I hope that this new job works out for Cam and that things will work out for you two. Cooper is lucky to have such a wonderful Mom. You are and always will be a sweetie. Sure love you!

  2. OH, Connie thank you so much. That comment has made my day! Yes you are right. We are so happy to be back and feel blessed to live where we do.
