Friday, October 21, 2011

One month old tomorrow!

I cannot believe that our litte Cooper will be a month old tomorrow! I truley understand the saying "Time sure does fly when you are having fun!" Cam and I are very blessed to have such a great baby. Our litte boy  is so good! He only gets upset if he needs to be changed or needs to be fed. He sleeps during the night, only waking up 2 times. Other then that he loves to look around, hang out and snuggle!

Cooper is only a month old. But We cant imagine life without him. We sure have had our adventures with our little guy. The joys of getting peed on..thats only happned about a billion times :)  No, Just a couple, getting spit up on down your shirt. All the fun things that parenthood brings. But we wouldnt trade it for anything in the world.

About 2 weeks ago we were able to get Newborn pictures done. Which could have gone better but ya do what ya gotta do! Cooper didnt like it that is for sure. Did I mention that he never cries? Well, the most he has ever cried was during newborns! But we were able to get some good ones. Here are a few

We love our little guy and so glad that he is finally here.


  1. Cooper is so precious! Can't wait to see you guys again. Call me and we can hang out anytime! we got the stomach bug at our house this week, which really sucks, but we are finally doing well :) I can't post pics on my blog and it's pissin me off!

  2. Oh!Im sorry to hear that. I swear you are the only one that reads my blog. :) Oh I will get that address for you and post it on fb so you can come to Coopers blessing!
